The Fondation Labor et Pax is a foundation according to Art. 335 Para. 1 of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) based in Pfäffikon in the Canton of Schwyz. The purpose of the foundation is to care for support in the areas of upbringing, education, and health and to provide financial support in case of need.

Fondation Labor et Pax is managed by a board of trustees headed by the president, . The office premises of the Fondation Labor et Pax are located at Eichenstrasse 2 in Pfäffikon.
The Fondation Labor et Pax mainly supports beneficiaries which are based at Lake Zurich or the surrounding area. This includes from time to time the sponsoring of local nonprofits, associations, and charitable organizations.

The foundation currently supports:

Board of trustees:


studied law in Switzerland, where he earned a doctorate. He earned a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree in the United States. He is a licensed notary for the Canton of Basel-Stadt, a partner at the Homburger law firm and a specialized attorney for inheritance law certified by the Swiss Bar Association (Fachanwalt SAV Erbrecht). is also a member of the managing board of proFonds (umbrella organization of charitable foundations) and a member of the Legal Council of SwissFoundations.


(Head of Administration)

Ms. is the point of contact for the foundation. She is responsible for all administrative matters. Before joining the foundation, she worked abroad for several years and worked as the head of the tourist information center in Rapperswil.


studied business administration with a focus on corporate finance in the UK, Spain and Germany and wrote his doctoral dissertation on the subject of corporate M&A. He worked for a leading international consulting firm in a position of responsibility for over ten years.

(Risk Controlling)

Mr. studied business administration in the United States and Germany and holds an MBA degree from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He worked for a leading international consulting firm for over ten years.

Fondation Labor et Pax Eichenstrasse 2
CH-8808 Pfäffikon
+41 55 4170470

Party responsible for content Fondation Labor et Pax Eichenstrasse 2
CH-8808 Pfäffikon
+41 55 4170470


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Bildnachweis: Mauritius Images